Land remediation is an essential process in cleaning up and repurposing previously contaminated sites.

It ensures land is safe for use and is fully compliant with environmental regulations.

Land remediation costs can be considerable, as the process is thorough and painstaking by necessity.

The cost of remediation of contaminated land will vary significantly depending on several factors.

It’s crucial for landowners and developers to understand these factors to manage the financial aspects of land remediation.

What are the key factors influencing land remediation costs?

Several different factors will need to be considered and costed when drawing up a remediation plan.

These include:

The extent of contamination

The degree, severity, and spread of contamination across the land will significantly influence the overall cost. If a site has widespread or deeply embedded contaminants, it will require a more extensive approach. This could also be prolonged, increasing the overall cost.

Remediation methods

The type of contaminants found on your site will determine the remediation techniques that will need to be deployed. This can vary considerably in cost. Remediating heavy metals such as mercury or lead can be more complex and costly than petroleum products or organic compounds.

Site size and accessibility

Larger sites will incur higher remediation costs because they are often calculated per square metre. Areas with difficult access, such as heavily built-up urban areas may be technically and logistically more difficult, increasing costs.

Regulatory requirements

Compliance with regulations at a local and national level may also impact the overall cost of remediation of contaminated land. Regulatory agencies may require specific testing and verification procedures, all of which will need to be budgeted for.

What are the remediation methods?

Depending on the type of contamination there are a number of potential remediation methods that may be used:

Excavation and disposal

Removing contaminated soil and then transporting it to a licensed disposal facility can be costly. It’s often the most straightforward approach but it is potentially expensive.

On-site treatment

On-site methods such as chemical oxidation or soil vapour extraction can be cost-effective if the site conditions and contaminants allow.


Containment methods such as barriers or caps, can sometimes be used to effectively isolate contaminants from the surrounding environment. This method can often be less costly but has to be used carefully due to the associated risks.

Land remediation costs will be specific to each site, so it’s important to work with environmental consultants and remediation specialists who can advise about what will be required and its likely expense.

Unlock Land Remediation Relief with DAAFL

Land Remediation Relief can provide substantial benefits for companies undertaking land decontamination.

At DAAFL, our tax specialists have been helping businesses claim land remediation relief since 2015. Since then, we’ve helped dozens of businesses claim back more than £19m in total.

If you are the owner or developer of land that may be contaminated, we can advise you about eligibility and help you with the application process.

Contact us to find out more about Land Remediation Relief and how we can help.

More on Land Remediation Relief from Digital Accounting and Finance

How Land Remediation Works
Contaminated Land Meaning
Stages of Contaminated Land Assessment
Land Contamination Legislation in the UK